I have created this page as an unofficial support of sorts for a device called the 4-Play by Bliss-Box.
It is an awesome adapter that let’s you use any combination of up to 4 console controllers that it supports at one time,
pre Playstation 3 / Xbox era, on any computer or device that allows use of standard USB HID game devices. The only problem is it is essentially 4 adapters with an integrated usb hub, and all 4 ports have the same USB id so it’s hard trying to figure out what port as it shows up to windows is the port you are currently plugged into making it hard sometimes mapping out buttons in a program.
I have created a program that fixes all this by flashing separate USB id firmwares and unique names embedded in the firmware. of course my firmware will void warranty but has been flashed without issue by many and I test all before each release.
Tested to work on Windows XP 32bit – Windows 10 64bit. Any other version of Windows untested.
It works with most of the odd controllers nothing else supports like: nes powerpad and zapper, dreamcast vmu (displays Bliss-Box just need emu support), atari 7800 both buttons work, atari 5200 all works smooth analog, neo-geo, all versions both big din and small din pugs for PC engine/Turbo 16, nec PC/FX, even supports the pressure sensitive buttons on ps2 controllers.
It even works with Virtual Boy controller, intv2 and coleco and jag including keypad...etc
It's a usb device with 4 hdmi (yes hdmi as it has enough pins) ports that use short cheap dongles to go from hdmi to the plug you need.
It also is firmware updatable and it is easy to reflash with a buttun by each port that puts the chip inside into upgrade mode.
Jun. 11, 2022
Just added to the files section for flashing a single official firmware to
a Gamer Pro or 4-Play.
Just unzip and rename your .hex firmware file to 1.hex place it in the
flash folder and run FlashTool.bat
This is just for those of you that like me do not like using the official HIDBootFlash tool
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Nov. 21, 2017
Added Arm based Linux flasher
Tested on Debian based Linux on the Odroid XU4
Should work on Raspberry Pi Linux also.
Jan. 16, 2017
updated to firmware 1.56.1
added a menu to flash the Stock Unmodified firmware from 1.51 - 1.56.1
Jan. 16, 2017
updated to firmware 1.56
This has many fixes, of the things done is removed mouse output as to fix certain os's that has issues with it like the Raspberry Pi.
If you need mouse output for say the atari paddle controllers then you will need to stick with firmware 1.55.1........... that's not to say the paddle controllers won't work just that they will not work in mouse mode.
Nov. 29, 2016
updated to firmware 1.55.1
also if for some reason the port names are not showing up as
"4PLAY 1"
"4PLAY 2"
"4PLAY 3"
"4PLAY 4"
after flashing with my flasher unplug the USB wire from the 4-Play and run the "del_joy.exe"
program I made here in the files download section.
what it does is clear the name for each port in the windows registry so when you plug back in the 4-Play it get the name refreshed straight from the firmware from each port.